VisioS@ve offers a full range of CCTV management tools answering all requirements and adaptable to every configuration. Powerful and extensive, VisioS@ve integrates every image feed from local cameras into multi-screen video walls and manages storage recorders adapted to your output volumes.
An extensive, scalable and secure solution for integrated video management
VisioS@ve can manage any operational scale—from just a few cameras to several thousands. Its supervision software applications can integrate the smallest recorder as well as massive server-based storage systems—with full compatibility.
A wide range of cameras are compatible with VisioS@ve
Open connections are secured via ONVIF & RTSP compatibility.
This includes Fichet’s own offer:
• IP and HDTVI Fichet cameras
• A selection of speed domes
• 360° fisheye cameras
• Specific cameras (thermal, etc.)
From standalone to virtual
Fichet’s VisioS@ve covers a comprehensive range of possibilities: from a standalone NVR version to a virtualized version on redundant servers allowing for the integration of any number of local devices.
As a powerful solution, its robust VisioS@ve VMS architecture relying on high-performance servers scaled and configured by Fichet guarantees a very high level of quality.
A complete software suite
VisioS@ve’s software applications allow for local or remote management, alarm supervision, equipment pool management, video wall configuration, video analysis, etc.
Video walls
An optional licence for very large video walls allows you to manage up to 200 servers.
Each server can:
• Manage up to 6 monitors
• Display up to 128 feeds (depending on resolution)
• Display up to 16 zoom windows
• Display up to 16 cyclical feed windows
• Display webpages or films
• Display remote desktops
Environment and security standards
The VisioS@ve environment is very extensive: smartphone applications, registration plate readers, live connection with supervision headquarters, SMI Server connections, etc.
These VisioS@ve connections are obviously based on superior standards of security:
• AES 256-bit secure connection between servers and its Control Center application
• SSL encrypted connection via a web server
• AES 256-bit encrypted exports
VisioS@ve modules
Monitoring and Supervision
Smart Recording
Advanced Search & Retrieval
Pool Management
Video Analysis
Remote supervision
VisioS@ave/SMI Server integration
Full integration for seamless operations
SMI Server provides full integration for VisioS@ve in order to create a truly complete solution for CCTV supervision, i.e. seamlessly combined with access control and intrusion detection.
- Integrated solution
- Integration of supervision screens into the video wall to provide efficient and intuitive operational surveillance of your premises
- Openness and flexibility
- By enabling full control of all hardware/software components in the Fichet offer, SMI Server guarantees durability, openness to external systems and very high maintainability.